About Us
“…And I say unto thee that thou art Peter,
and upon this rock I build my church;
and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”– Matt 16:18
In 1986 God began to deal with Minister Jesse J. Scott about a change.
He placed a vision in his heart to begin work in this city. After a two year struggle, through prayer and confirmation, Minster Scott answered God’s call. Even after 22 years of service at his local church, God clearly said, “You’ve got to go…it’s time to go.” As a result, in July 1988, Minister and Sister JoAnne Scott shared the vision with others and the new birth of fresh beginnings.
Taking a step of faith following the leading of the Holy Spirit, the Word of Life Ministries was established. The first message was delivered Sunday, September 11, 1988, titled “A Sure Foundation,” in the upper room at the home of Pastor and his wife. Twenty people were in attendance.
Within one week, the Lord began to move and sent more people to add to the body of Christ. Pastor’s home would no longer accommodate the services. With the growth, services were relocated to the Park Inn and eventually to the Niagara Community Center.
The members of the Word of Life continued to pray and actively seek the Lord regarding a church building. Our labor was not in vain, God opened the door, which no man could close. December 18, 1988, we became stewards of 1941 Hyde Park Boulevard and we yet give God the praise and Glory.
The first worship service at 1941 Hyde Park Boulevard was held on Christmas Day 1988. As the vision began to unfold it made the word of God clear…
“Write down the vision
make it plain upon tables,
that he run that readeth it.”– Hab 2:2
We came together as one body and ran with the vision. God further confirmed it with signs, wonders, and miracles. Souls were being delivered and set free.
On May 21, 1989, our pastoral installation and church building dedication services was held. God continued to place people in the ministry and body as it pleased him. The number of youth attending grew rapidly. We were blessed with a bus and eventually a van to transport our children to service. The Pastor saw the importance of children being an active part of the vision and Children’s church, additional Sunday School classes and Vacation Bible School were added.
Even Sunday Services and Wednesday Bible Study, the Lord let Pastor Scott know that wasn’t enough. As Word of Life increased, support groups and auxiliaries grew. Such as the Outreach, Victory over Addiction, Prayer Warriors, Victorious Women of Faith, Women’s Fellowship, Men’s Fellowship, Youth Night, Christian Growth, Youth/Adult Choirs, God’s Anointed Choir, Wednesday Family Night & Witness Team.
As we prayed and took care of what the Lord had given us, He proved He is faithful. His word did not return void and continued to prevail.
In 1988 the vision that began on McKinley Ave flourished.
We thanked and believed God for a new van and a new building and he delivered both. Word of Life Ministries II became a reality.
As the congregation grew so did the Ministries. Four new ministers were ordained in 2013 as God blessed. From a mere 20 people to approximately 200 members we thank God for His powerful move in the ministry. God has given Pastor to know that we will reap if we faint not. Lives have been changed, souls have been saved, the gospel has been preached and the community has been touched by the Word of Life Ministries.
It was faith that brought us here and faith will see us through. The vision is far from over. We are believing God for a Christian Day Care Center and Christian Academy, as God’s Grace prevails the vision that is built upon a rock shall speak and not lie…